
page_generic Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /page/terms
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
8 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
9 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
10 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
11 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
12 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
14 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
15 api_genid /apip/.well-known/genid/{id} Path does not match
16 api_entrypoint /apip/{index}.{_format} Path does not match
17 api_doc /apip/docs.{_format} Path does not match
18 api_jsonld_context /apip/contexts/{shortName}.{_format} Path does not match
19 _api_/tasks/{uqId}.{_format}_get /apip/tasks/{uqId}.{_format} Path does not match
20 _api_/tasks.{_format}_get_collection /apip/tasks.{_format} Path does not match
21 _api_/task/create-bug_post /apip/task/create-bug Path does not match
22 _api_/intervention/{uqId}/update_post /apip/intervention/{uqId}/update Path does not match
23 _api_/task/{uqId}/edit-bug_post /apip/task/{uqId}/edit-bug Path does not match
24 gesdinet_jwt_refresh_token /apip/token/refresh Path does not match
25 my_overview_licence_homepage /licence Path does not match
26 my_overview_licence_list_type /licence-type Path does not match
27 my_overview_licence_type_new /licence-type/add Path does not match
28 my_overview_licence_new /licence/add Path does not match
29 my_overview_licence_currency_type /licence/type Path does not match
30 my_overview_licence_assign_to /licence/assign Path does not match
31 my_overview_licence_criteria /licence/criteria Path does not match
32 my_overview_licence_type_criteria /licence-type/criteria Path does not match
33 my_overview_licence_engagement /licence/engagement Path does not match
34 my_overview_licence_find_user /licence/user Path does not match
35 my_overview_licence_action_confirmation /licence/confirmation Path does not match
36 my_overview_licence_licence_stop /licence/stop Path does not match
37 my_overview_licence_edit_type /licence-type/{crtfType}/edit Path does not match
38 my_overview_licence_delete_type /licence-type/delete/{crtfType} Path does not match
39 my_overview_licence_engagement_type_price /licence/tva-price Path does not match
40 my_overview_licence_relance_tva_price /licence/relance-tva-price Path does not match
41 my_overview_licence_type_engagement /licence/engagement-type Path does not match
42 my_overview_licence_billing_email /licence/billing-email Path does not match
43 my_overview_search_engine_index /search/ Path does not match
44 my_overview_search_engine_check /search/check Path does not match
45 my_overview_search_engine_change /search/change/{id} Path does not match
46 my_overview_search_engine_attachment /search/check/attachment Path does not match
47 planning_index /planning/ Path does not match
48 planning_fullcalendar_loader /planning/fc-load-plannings Path does not match
49 planning_copy_block /planning/copy-block/{id} Path does not match
50 planning_exception /planning/exception/{id}/date/{dateStart} Path does not match
51 planning_update_block /planning/update-block/{id}/{block} Path does not match
52 planning_create_block /planning/create-block/{block}/date/{date}/account/{accountId} Path does not match
53 planning_check_block /planning/check-block/account/{accountId} Path does not match
54 availability_never_autoload_cookie /planning/autoload-cookie/save Path does not match
55 planning_delete /planning/delete/{id} Path does not match
56 planning_legend_preference /planning/legend-preference Path does not match
57 availability_this_moment /planning/availability-this-moment Path does not match
58 planning_slice_block_all_day /planning/slice-block-all-day/{id}/date/{dateRef} Path does not match
59 plannings_index /plannings/{viewName} Path does not match
60 plannings_fullcalendar_loader /plannings/fc-load-plannings Path does not match
61 plannings_create /plannings/create/user/{userId} Path does not match
62 plannings_availability_create /plannings/create/availability-planning/user/{userId} Path does not match
63 plannings_update /plannings/update/{id} Path does not match
64 plannings_details /plannings/details Path does not match
65 plannings_copy /plannings/copy/{id} Path does not match
66 plannings_check /plannings/check/user/{userId} Path does not match
67 plannings_list /plannings/list/{ids} Path does not match
68 plannings_delete_action /plannings/delete/{id} Path does not match
69 plannings_check_update /plannings/check-update/{ids} Path does not match
70 plannings_before_edit_recurrent /plannings/before-edit-recurrent/{id} Path does not match
71 plannings_end_recurrence /plannings/end-recurrence/{id} Path does not match
72 plannings_delay_create /plannings/create-delay Path does not match
73 plannings_delay_edit /plannings/edit-delay Path does not match
74 plannings_by_day /plannings/day Path does not match
75 plannings_action_delete /plannings/delete-plannings Path does not match
76 plannings_availability_action_delete /plannings/delete-planning-availability Path does not match
77 plannings_agenda_day /plannings/agenda-day Path does not match
78 plannings_agenda_two_weeks /plannings/agenda-two-weeks Path does not match
79 plannings_agenda_month /plannings/agenda-month Path does not match
80 plannings_delay_reporting /plannings/delay-reporting Path does not match
81 plannings_duplicate /plannings/duplicate Path does not match
82 plannings_resize /plannings/resize Path does not match
83 plannings_save_shift /plannings/save-shift Path does not match
84 plannings_filter /plannings/set-filter Path does not match
85 plannings_cancel_delay /plannings/set-enabled-delay Path does not match
86 plannings_export_presence_time /plannings/export-presence-time Path does not match
87 plannings_migrate /plannings/migratev1-v2 Path does not match
88 planning_presence_index /planning-presence/{viewName} Path does not match
89 planning_presence_fullcalendar_loader /planning-presence/fc-load-plannings Path does not match
90 planning_presence_create /planning-presence/create/user/{userId} Path does not match
91 planning_presence_update /planning-presence/update/{id} Path does not match
92 planning_presence_copy /planning-presence/copy/{id} Path does not match
93 planning_presence_check /planning-presence/check/user/{userId} Path does not match
94 planning_presence_list /planning-presence/list/{ids} Path does not match
95 planning_presence_delete /planning-presence/delete/{id} Path does not match
96 planning_presence_check_update /planning-presence/check-update/{ids} Path does not match
97 planning_presence_before_edit_recurrent /planning-presence/before-edit-recurrent/{id} Path does not match
98 planning_presence_end_recurrence /planning-presence/end-recurrence/{id} Path does not match
99 planning_delay_create /planning-presence/create-delay Path does not match
100 planning_delay_edit /planning-presence/edit-delay Path does not match
101 planning_presence_by_day /planning-presence/day Path does not match
102 plannings_delete /planning-presence/delete-plannings Path does not match
103 planning_presence_agenda_day /planning-presence/agenda-day Path does not match
104 planning_presence_agenda_two_weeks /planning-presence/agenda-two-weeks Path does not match
105 planning_presence_agenda_month /planning-presence/agenda-month Path does not match
106 planning_presence_delay_reporting /planning-presence/delay-reporting Path does not match
107 planning_presence_duplicate /planning-presence/duplicate Path does not match
108 planning_presence_resize /planning-presence/resize Path does not match
109 planning_presence_save_shift /planning-presence/save-shift Path does not match
110 wikinode /wiki/node/ Path does not match
111 wikinode_new /wiki/node/add/{type}/{parent} Path does not match
112 wikinode_edit /wiki/node/{id}/edit Path does not match
113 wikinode_delete /wiki/node/{id}/delete Path does not match
114 wikinode_upload_file /wiki/node/file/upload Path does not match
115 wikinode_download_file /wiki/node/{nid}/download/{fid} Path does not match
116 wikinode_autocomplete_permission /wiki/node/autocomplete/permission Path does not match
117 wikinode_rate_content /wiki/node/rate/{id} Path does not match
118 wikinode_custom_permission /wiki/node/permission/file Path does not match
119 wikinode_ajax_category_option /wiki/node/ajax/category Path does not match
120 wikinode_ajax_post_comment /wiki/node/ajax/comment/{nid} Path does not match
121 wikinode_ajax_update_weight /wiki/node/update/weight Path does not match
122 wikinode_get_form_duplicate /wiki/node/ajax/form/duplicate/{categ} Path does not match
123 wikinode_disable_new_flash /wiki/node/ajax/disable/new-flash Path does not match
124 my_overview_wiki_homepage /wiki/ Path does not match
125 my_overview_wiki_content /wiki/content/{slug} Path does not match
126 my_overview_wiki_filemanage /wiki/file/manage Path does not match
127 my_overview_wiki_ajax_list_file /wiki/ajax/file/{id} Path does not match
128 my_overview_wiki_content_suggestion /wiki/wiki-content/suggestion Path does not match
129 my_overview_wiki_fileshared /public/file/shared/{token} Path does not match
130 wiki_error_page /public/error/{status_code} Path does not match
131 my_overview_wiki_content_search /wiki/search Path does not match
132 my_overview_wiki_list_flash_new /wiki/list-flash-new Path does not match
133 index_task /task/{nkanban} Path does not match
134 cards_list_task /task/cards Path does not match
135 new_task /task/new/{idMessage}/{speed} Path does not match
136 create_update_task /task/{id}/{synthesis}/create-update/{idMessage} Path does not match
137 edit_task /task/{id}/{synthesis}/edit/{idMessage} Path does not match
138 delete_task /task/remove/ Path does not match
139 task_set_order /task/set-order/{order}/{pid}/{parentId} Path does not match
140 task_refresh_selected /task/refresh-selected-task Path does not match
141 task_reset_selected /task/reset-selected-task Path does not match
142 task_filter_status /task/task/{status}/filter Path does not match
143 redirect_folder_task /task/folder/{folder}/{pid} Path does not match
144 task_search_engine_suggest /task/search-engine/search-suggest Path does not match
145 task_history /task/{id}/history/ Path does not match
146 task_type_incident_synthesis_send /task/synthesis-send/{id} Path does not match
147 task_create_mod_simple /task/create/mod-simple Path does not match
148 task_suggest /task/suggest Path does not match
149 task_join_phase /task/add/{tid}/{pid}/{phid} Path does not match
150 phase_add /task/add-phase/{phid} Path does not match
151 phase_setting /task/setting-phase/ Path does not match
152 task_synthesis_recaputilatif /task/synthesis/{id}/recaps Path does not match
153 action_clone_task /task/clone/{id}/ Path does not match
154 task_notification_status /task/notify/task/ Path does not match
155 task_proposed_dst /task/proposed/dst Path does not match
156 task_delete /task/{id}/delete Path does not match
157 task_manual_allocation /task/{id}/{user}/manual-allocation Path does not match
158 task_load_last_telephon /task/last-telephon/ Path does not match
159 task_load_50_list /task/50-list/ Path does not match
160 task_gantt_view /task/show-gantt Path does not match
161 task_change_status_terminate_and_validate /task/change-status-task Path does not match
162 task_proposition_send_mail /task/proposition-send-mail Path does not match
163 task_send_mail /task/send-mail Path does not match
164 task_ajax_release /task/ajax-release-task/{id} Path does not match
165 task_company_filter /task/company/{idCompany}/filter Path does not match
166 task_contact_filter /task/contact/{idContact}/filter Path does not match
167 task_render_description /task/render-description Path does not match
168 task_render_conversation /task/{id}/send/response Path does not match
169 task_user_filter /task/user/{idUser}/filter Path does not match
170 task_update_team_operational /task/task/{id}/update/team/operational Path does not match
171 task_template_to_list /task/task/{id}/template/list Path does not match
172 task_ajax_get_last_activity /task/ajax-get-last-activity-task/{id} Path does not match
173 task_popin_open_folder /task/popin-open-folder Path does not match
174 task_type_set_data_content /task/{id}/set-data-content Path does not match
175 task_type_set_default_data /task/set-default-data Path does not match
176 task_new_notice /task/{id}/new-notice Path does not match
177 task_create_notice /task/{id}/create-notice Path does not match
178 task_remove_notice /task/{id}/remove-notice Path does not match
179 task_render_iframe /task/{page}/{id}/i-frame Path does not match
180 task_validation_type /task/confirm/{id}/tkt Path does not match
181 task_save_message_terminate /task/save-flag-message Path does not match
182 index_task_client /task-client/ Path does not match
183 index_project /project/{_rmv} Path does not match
184 new_project /project/new Path does not match
185 create_or_update_project /project/create-or-update/{id} Path does not match
186 duplicate_project /project/{id}/duplicate/ Path does not match
187 new_project_link_msg /project/new/project/link/message Path does not match
188 duplicate_submitted_project /project/{id}/duplicate-send Path does not match
189 show_project /project/show/{id} Path does not match
190 save_gantt_project /project/save-gantt/ Path does not match
191 edit_project /project/edit/{id} Path does not match
192 show_history_project /project/show-history/{id} Path does not match
193 delete_project /project/remove/ Path does not match
194 project_set_order /project/set-order/{order} Path does not match
195 project_refresh_selected /project/refresh-selected Path does not match
196 project_reset_selected /project/reset-selected Path does not match
197 redirect_folder_project /project/folder/{folder}/ Path does not match
198 list_project_message /project/list-project Path does not match
199 project_link_task_or_incident /project/{project}/to/{nature} Path does not match
200 project_to_incident_task /project/{project}/{nature}/{entityId}/ Path does not match
201 project_show_filter_task /project/{id}/{term}/task-filter Path does not match
202 project_suggest /project/suggest Path does not match
203 project_alls_affectation /project/{pid}/alls-affected Path does not match
204 project_alls_affectation_submit /project/{pid}/submit-alls-affected Path does not match
205 project_terminate /project/{id}/close/ Path does not match
206 project_reopen /project/{id}/reopen/ Path does not match
207 project_category_joined /project/{id}/{idCategory}/category-project/ Path does not match
208 project_stats /project/{id}/stats/ Path does not match
209 manage_filter /manage/{pid}/filter Path does not match
210 manage_dashboard_redirect /manage/{nature}/{horsdelai}/{folder}/goto/list Path does not match
211 manage_search /manage/{nature}/{pid}/search/ Path does not match
212 manage_modal /manage/{nature}/modal/ Path does not match
213 manage_delete /manage/{nature}/delete/{entityId} Path does not match
214 manage_details_message /manage/{nature}/details/message/{entityId} Path does not match
215 manage_affecte_tip /manage/managetip/{nature}/affectedtome Path does not match
216 manage_remind_update /manage/{nature}/remind/update/{entityId} Path does not match
217 manage_remind_manual /manage/{nature}/remind/manual/{entityId} Path does not match
218 manage_notification /manage/template/notification/{nId}/{entityId} Path does not match
219 manage_terminate /manage/{nature}/terminate Path does not match
220 action_message_to_manage /manage/affected/{nature}/{natureId}/message Path does not match
221 action_message_to_manage_send /manage/getaway/{nature}/{natureId}/{msgId} Path does not match
222 manage_dissociate_message /manage/{nature}/popin/{id} Path does not match
223 manage_dissociation_message_send /manage/{nature}/{id}/dissociate Path does not match
224 manage_show_details /manage/{nature}/{id}/details Path does not match
225 manage_load_messages /manage/{nature}/{id}/{mailaccount}/load-messages Path does not match
226 manage_add_update_ti /manage/{nature}/{id}/{pid}/add-update Path does not match
227 manage_suggest_participant /manage/{nature}/suggest-participant/ Path does not match
228 manage_change_status_ti /manage/change-status/{nature}/{entityId}/{status}/{project} Path does not match
229 manage_add_affectation /manage/change-affectation/{nature}/{id} Path does not match
230 manage_critical_notification /manage/critical/{nature}/notify Path does not match
231 manage_reset_session_pallet /manage/reset-session/{nature}/pallet Path does not match
232 manage_message_new /manage/msg-new/{nature} Path does not match
233 manage_terminate_task /manage/{nature}/{id}/terminate Path does not match
234 manage_attachment_set_order /manage/{id}/set-order Path does not match
235 manage_public_incident_synthesis /public/page/incident/synthesis/{data}/{force}/{hashid} Path does not match
236 manage_public_incident_synthesis_add_commentaire /public/page/incident/synthesis/{id}/comment Path does not match
237 manage_public_incident_type /public/page/incident-type/{id}/new/{mus} Path does not match
238 manage_public_incident_type_create /public/page/incident-type/{id}/create/{mus} Path does not match
239 manage_public_incident_type_validation /public/page/incident-type/{contact}/{id}/validation Path does not match
240 manage_public_response_validation /public/page/incident/synthesis-valid/comment Path does not match
241 manage_public_config_project /public/page/project/config/{data}/{force} Path does not match
242 incident_type_form_builder /task-type/form-builder Path does not match
243 incident_type_new_form_builder /task-type/form-builder/new Path does not match
244 incident_type_edit_form_builder /task-type/form-builder/{id}/edit Path does not match
245 incident_type_create_form_builder /task-type/form-builder/{id}/create Path does not match
246 incident_type_preview_form_builder /task-type/form-builder/{id}/preview Path does not match
247 incident_type_new /task-type/{id}/{task}/new Path does not match
248 incident_type_create /task-type/{id}/{task}/create Path does not match
249 incident_type_details /task-type/{id}/{idIncident}/details Path does not match
250 task_type_telephon_validate_form /task-type/{system}/{idData}/validate-form Path does not match
251 task_type_reservation_validation_field /task-type/reservation/{idMessage}/validate-field Path does not match
252 task_type_telephon_set_validate_automatics /task-type/{idMessage}/validate-automatics Path does not match
253 task_type_telephon_find_json_file /task-type/{find}/json Path does not match
254 task_type_telephon_format_prototype /task-type/builder-prototype/ Path does not match
255 incident_type_check_mailaccount /task-type/check/account Path does not match
256 incident_type_get_levels /task-type/{id}/{level}/{value}/level Path does not match
257 incident_type_builder_tags /task-type/{id}/{idTask}/inc-builder-tags Path does not match
258 incident_type_check_telephon_agency /task-type/{agencyID}/inc-check-agency Path does not match
259 criticality_suggest /task-type/criticality/suggest Path does not match
260 state_suggest /task-type/state/suggest Path does not match
261 provider_suggest /task-type/provider/suggest Path does not match
262 responsible_suggest /task-type/responsible/suggest Path does not match
263 yesorno_suggest /task-type/yesorno/suggest Path does not match
264 incident_type_builder_first_question /task-type/{id}/{idTask}/first-question Path does not match
265 task_attachment_upload /task-attachment/upload-file Path does not match
266 task_attachment_view_tmp /task-attachment/download/{tmpFile} Path does not match
267 task_attachment_show /task-attachment/{id}/show Path does not match
268 task_attachment_remove_upload /task-attachment/remove-upload-file Path does not match
269 category_manage /category/manage Path does not match
270 category_manage_add /category/manage/{cid}/add Path does not match
271 category_manage_delete /category/manage/{cid}/delete Path does not match
272 category_manage_list /category/manage/list Path does not match
273 category_suggest /category/suggest Path does not match
274 category_common_settings /category/common-settings Path does not match
275 phase_manage /phase/manage Path does not match
276 phase_manage_list /phase/manage/list Path does not match
277 phase_manage_add /phase/manage/{phid}/add Path does not match
278 phase_manage_delete /phase/manage/{phid}/delete Path does not match
279 phase_suggest /phase/suggest Path does not match
280 phase_position /phase/position Path does not match
281 phase_common_settings /phase/common-settings Path does not match
282 phase_name_save /phase/save-name Path does not match
283 myoverview_manage_session /voir-session Path does not match
284 route_form_builder_update /form-builder/{structureType} Path does not match
285 route_form_builder_save /form-builder/{structureType}/save Path does not match
286 route_form_builder_preview /form-builder-preview Path does not match
287 my_overview_imap_engine_homepage /imap/message/{id}/new Path does not match
288 my_overview_imap_engine_update_exist /imap/message/{id}/update Path does not match
289 my_overview_hierarchy /hierarchy/ Path does not match
290 my_overview_hierarchy_create /hierarchy/create/{mailaccount}/{type} Path does not match
291 my_overview_hierarchy_save /hierarchy/save/{mailaccount}/{type} Path does not match
292 my_overview_hierarchy_deletion_request /hierarchy/deletion-request/{id}/{type} Path does not match
293 my_overview_hierarchy_update_relation_status /hierarchy/udpate-relation-status/{id}/{status}/{type} Path does not match
294 my_overview_hierarchy_hard_delete_relation /hierarchy/hard-delete-relation/{id}/{type} Path does not match
295 my_overview_hierarchy_create_ma_manager_frm /hierarchy/create-ma-manager-frm/{id} Path does not match
296 my_overview_hierarchy_update_ma_manager_frm /hierarchy/update-ma-manager-frm/{id} Path does not match
297 dukecity_command_scheduler_list /command-scheduler/list Path does not match
298 dukecity_command_scheduler_monitor /command-scheduler/monitor Path does not match
299 dukecity_command_scheduler_api_list /command-scheduler/api/list Path does not match
300 dukecity_command_scheduler_api_console_commands /command-scheduler/api/console_commands Path does not match
301 dukecity_command_scheduler_api_console_commands_details /command-scheduler/api/console_commands_details/{commands} Path does not match
302 dukecity_command_scheduler_api_translate_cron_expression /command-scheduler/api/trans_cron_expression/{cronExpression}/{lang} Path does not match
303 dukecity_command_scheduler_action_toggle /command-scheduler/action/toggle/{id} Path does not match
304 dukecity_command_scheduler_action_remove /command-scheduler/action/remove/{id} Path does not match
305 dukecity_command_scheduler_action_execute /command-scheduler/action/execute/{id} Path does not match
306 dukecity_command_scheduler_action_unlock /command-scheduler/action/unlock/{id} Path does not match
307 dukecity_command_scheduler_detail_edit /command-scheduler/detail/edit/{id} Path does not match
308 dukecity_command_scheduler_detail_new /command-scheduler/detail/edit Path does not match
309 chat_new_window /chat/load/{id}/{group} Path does not match
310 chat_attachment_prepared /chat/attachment-prepared Path does not match
311 chat_attachment_remove /chat/remove-attachment/{id} Path does not match
312 chat_att_show /chat/show/{id}/{download}/{filename} Path does not match
313 chat_att_download /chat/download/{id}.{filename} Path does not match
314 chat_group_users_list /chat/users-list Path does not match
315 chat_group_create /chat/create-group Path does not match
316 chat_group_update_users /chat/update-users-group Path does not match
317 chat_group_delete /chat/delete-group/{chatGroup} Path does not match
318 chat_refresh_online_user /chat/refresh-online-user Path does not match
319 chat_conversation_list /chat/conversation-list Path does not match
320 chat_unread_conversation_detail /chat/unread-conversation/{id} Path does not match
321 chat_internal /chat/ Path does not match
322 count_new_messages /chat/count-new-messages/{id} Path does not match
323 chat_user_template /chat/user/template Path does not match
324 chat_conversation_history /chat/conversation-history Path does not match
325 chat_message_send /chat/message-send Path does not match
326 test_read_notification /chat/read-notification Path does not match
327 chat_check_templates /chat/check-templates Path does not match
328 handle_chat_message_status /chat/status/notification Path does not match
329 search_conversation_by_term /chat/search-conversation Path does not match
330 chat_delete_last_message /chat/delete-message Path does not match
331 remove_user_from_group /chat/remove-user-from-group Path does not match
332 display_chat_header_group /chat/display-chat-header-group Path does not match
333 chat_conversation_data_update /chat/load-template-update/{idConversation} Path does not match
334 update_current_user_status /chat/update-current-user-status Path does not match
335 chat_modal_group_template /chat/modal-group/{id} Path does not match
336 chat_modal_group_update /chat/modal-group-save/{id} Path does not match
337 chat_get_line_group /chat/template-group/{group} Path does not match
338 chat_get_line_group_deleted /chat/template-group-deleted/{group} Path does not match
339 chat_get_line_users_removed /chat/template-users-removed/ Path does not match
340 chat_get_line_users_added /chat/template-users-added/ Path does not match
341 chat_process_typing /chat/chat-process/typing/{idConversation} Path does not match
342 receive_groupe_notification /chat/groupe/notification Path does not match
343 chat_session_check /chat/session-check-user Path does not match
344 chat_get_info_user /chat/info-user/{id} Path does not match
345 update_session_nbr_chat_unread /chat/update-session-chat-unread/ Path does not match
346 chat_term_search /chat/term-search Path does not match
347 messenger_send_message /messenger/publish/{event} Path does not match
348 statistic /statistic/ Path does not match
349 statistic_treated_hour /statistic/treated-hour Path does not match
350 statistic_treated_daily /statistic/treated-daily Path does not match
351 statistic_received_daily /statistic/received-daily Path does not match
352 statistic_month /statistic/monthly Path does not match
353 statistic_treated_by_user /statistic/treated-by-user Path does not match
354 statistic_sla_by_user /statistic/sla-by-user Path does not match
355 statistic_qos /statistic/qos Path does not match
356 statistic_agent /statistic/agent Path does not match
357 statistic_user_agent /statistic/{id}/agent Path does not match
358 statistic_company_by_type /statistic/company-by-type Path does not match
359 statistic_user_by_mailaccount /statistic/user-by-mailaccount Path does not match
360 statistic_mailaccount_by_user /statistic/mailaccount-by-user Path does not match
361 statistic_alias_by_mailaccount /statistic/alias-by-mailaccount Path does not match
362 statistic_filter /statistic/stat-filter Path does not match
363 statistic_message_by_filter_csv /statistic/csv-by-stat-filter/{complete_filter}/{add_filter} Path does not match
364 statistic_filter_counter /statistic/counter-filter Path does not match
365 statistic_export_date_detail /statistic/export-stat-date-filter Path does not match
366 export_statistic_message /statistic/export-stat-message/{type} Path does not match
367 export_statistic_excel /statistic/export-stat-excel/{type} Path does not match
368 export_qos_data /statistic/export-qos-data Path does not match
369 export_statistic_message_user /statistic/export-stat-message-user Path does not match
370 export_statistic_contact /statistic/export-stat-contact Path does not match
371 export_statistic_task /statistic/export-stat-task/{folder} Path does not match
372 export_statistic_company /statistic/export-stat-company Path does not match
373 export_statistic_agent /statistic/export-stat-agent Path does not match
374 related_statistic_data /statistic/{id_message}/related-statistic Path does not match
375 statistic_detail_client /statistic/detail-client/{page} Path does not match
376 statistic_opinion_month /statistic/mo-month Path does not match
377 statistic_user /statistic/user-statistic Path does not match
378 statistic_user_search /statistic/user-statistic-search Path does not match
379 statistic_task_new /statistic/task/ Path does not match
380 statistic_all_data_form_stat_filter /statistic/all-data-form-stat-filter Path does not match
381 statistic_list_sla_client /statistic/ajax/list-sla-client Path does not match
382 statistic_auto_export_modal /statistic/ajax/form-export-stat Path does not match
383 statistic_ajax_remove_export /statistic/ajax/remove-export-stat/{id} Path does not match
384 target /target/ Path does not match
385 target_show /target/{id}/show Path does not match
386 target_filter /target/filter Path does not match
387 target_clone /target/clone/{id}/{isClone}/{isMycrm}/{indicator} Path does not match
388 target_submit /target/submit Path does not match
389 target_get_target_facteur /target/target/get-facteur Path does not match
390 target_sales /target/addsales/{id} Path does not match
391 telephonie /telephonie/ Path does not match
392 telephonie_ajax_list /telephonie/ajax-list/file Path does not match
393 telephonie_affect /telephonie/file-mailaccount Path does not match
394 telephonie_file_company /telephonie/file-company Path does not match
395 telephonie_add /telephonie/add-file-mailaccount Path does not match
396 paragraph /paragraph/ Path does not match
397 paragraph_list /paragraph/list Path does not match
398 paragraph_show /paragraph/{id}/show Path does not match
399 paragraph_new /paragraph/new Path does not match
400 paragraph_create /paragraph/create Path does not match
401 paragraph_edit /paragraph/{id}/edit Path does not match
402 paragraph_update /paragraph/{id}/update Path does not match
403 paragraph_delete /paragraph/{id}/delete Path does not match
404 paragraph_search /paragraph/search Path does not match
405 paragraph_search_dragdrop /paragraph/search-dragdrop Path does not match
406 paragraph_get_content_ajax /paragraph/get-content/{id} Path does not match
407 paragraph_reset_filter_session /paragraph/reset-filter-session Path does not match
408 paragraph_get_all_paragraph /paragraph/get-all-paragraph Path does not match
409 reload_keywords /paragraph/reload-keywords Path does not match
410 aplly_selected_tag_to_paragraph /paragraph/keyword-paragraph Path does not match
411 paragraph_category /paragraph_category/ Path does not match
412 paragraph_category_show /paragraph_category/{id}/show Path does not match
413 paragraph_category_new /paragraph_category/new Path does not match
414 paragraph_category_create /paragraph_category/create Path does not match
415 paragraph_category_edit /paragraph_category/{id}/edit Path does not match
416 paragraph_category_update /paragraph_category/{id}/update Path does not match
417 paragraph_category_delete /paragraph_category/{id}/delete Path does not match
418 paragraph_type_save /paragraph-type/save Path does not match
419 paragraph_type_remove /paragraph-type/remove Path does not match
420 paragraph_attachment_show /paragraph-attachment/{id}/show Path does not match
421 paragraph_attachment_get /paragraph-attachment/get-attachment Path does not match
422 paragraph_attachment_upload /paragraph-attachment/upload-file Path does not match
423 paragraph_attachment_view_tmp /paragraph-attachment/download/{tmpFile} Path does not match
424 paragraph_attachment_all /paragraph-attachment/{paragraph}/download-all Path does not match
425 paragraph_attachment_remove_upload /paragraph-attachment/remove-upload-file Path does not match
426 homepage / Path does not match
427 theme_test /theme-test Path does not match
428 qos_data /ajax-qos Path does not match
429 templating_test /templating-test Path does not match
430 sendmailtest /sendmail Path does not match
431 checksendmailtest /checksendmail Path does not match
432 render_list_user_productivity /detail-user-perf Path does not match
433 totototo /onlyfortest Path does not match
434 json_contact_email /json/contact_email Path does not match
435 simulation_index /simulation/ Path does not match
436 sim_oauth2_secure_account /simulation/oauth2/secure-account/{edit} Path does not match
437 sim_oauth2_redirect /simulation/oauth2/redirect Path does not match
438 sim_oauth2_refresh_token /simulation/oauth2/refresh-token/{id} Path does not match
439 sim_oauth2_ajax_current_data_session /simulation/oauth2/current-data-session Path does not match
440 sim_oauth2_mailer /simulation/oauth2/mailer Path does not match
441 sim_oauth2_mailer_account /simulation/oauth2/mailer/{mailAccount} Path does not match
442 sim_oauth2_save_token /simulation/oauth2/save-token Path does not match
443 sim_oauth2_change_current_account /simulation/oauth2/change-current-account/{mailAccount} Path does not match
444 simulation_contact_autocompletion /simulation/contact-autocompletion Path does not match
445 simulation_html_to_text /simulation/html2text Path does not match
446 simulation_email_identification /simulation/identify/email/{idMessage} Path does not match
447 simulation_calculate_performance /simulation/performance Path does not match
448 simulation_calculate_date_performance /simulation/date-performance Path does not match
449 simulation_date_identification /simulation/identify/date Path does not match
450 simulation_email_identification_empty /simulation/identify/mail/empty Path does not match
451 simulation_identify_information /simulation/identify/email-myo Path does not match
452 simulation_detection_by_frequency /simulation/letter-frequency Path does not match
453 simulation_messaging_conversation_list /simulation/messaging/conversation/list Path does not match
454 simulation_param_converter /simulation/param/converter/{email} Path does not match
455 simulation_elastica /simulation/search Path does not match
456 simulation_search_elastica /simulation/search/message Path does not match
457 simulation_elastica_test_flush /simulation/elastica-test-flush/{id}/{param} Path does not match
458 simulation_process_search_message /simulation/process/search/message Path does not match
459 simulation_broadcast_channel /simulation/broadcast-channel Path does not match
460 simulation_mail_recapitulation /simulation/mail-recap Path does not match
461 simulation_message_satisfaction /simulation/message-satisfaction Path does not match
462 simulation_messaging_migration /simulation/messaging-migration Path does not match
463 simulation_list_user_delay /simulation/list-user-delay Path does not match
464 simulation_country_code_flag /simulation/country-code Path does not match
465 simulation_question_bot_type /simulation/question-type Path does not match
466 simulation_multi_channel /simulation/multi-channel Path does not match
467 simulation_list_modules /simulation/list-modules Path does not match
468 create_new_channel /simulation/new-channel Path does not match
469 simulation_access_time /simulation/access-time/{active} Path does not match
470 simulation_test_timer /simulation/test-timer/{param} Path does not match
471 simulation_clean_html_to_text /simulation/html-to-text Path does not match
472 simulation_dispatch /simulation/session-load/{link} Path does not match
473 simulation_task_travel /simulation/create-task-travel Path does not match
474 simulation_message_type_reservation /simulation/message-type-reservation/{message} Path does not match
475 chorusdt_extraction_evolution /simulation/chorusdt/extraction/evolution Path does not match
476 simulation_detail_user /simulation/user-block/{user} Path does not match
477 simulation_messenger_queue_worker /simulation/queue-worker-messenger Path does not match
478 truncate_current_update /simulation/truncate/current-update Path does not match
479 external_chat_test /simulation/cors/external-chat-test Path does not match
480 webhook_record /simulation/webhook-record/{status} Path does not match
481 delete_webhook_record /simulation/delete-webhook-record Path does not match
482 cleanup_about_account /simulation/cleanup-about-account Path does not match
483 do_cleanup_about_account /simulation/do-cleanup-about-account Path does not match
484 do_cleanup_about_contact /simulation/do-cleanup-about-contact Path does not match
485 microsoft_pull_message /simulation/microsoft/pull-messages/{account} Path does not match
486 display_tag_category /simulation/display-tag-category/{idCategory} Path does not match
487 microsoft_send_message /simulation/microsoft/send-messages/{account} Path does not match
488 reporting_synchronisation /simulation/reporting/synchornisation/ Path does not match
489 test_synchronisation /simulation/test/synchornisation/ Path does not match
490 simulation_translation /simulation/translation Path does not match
491 simulation_intervention_data /simulation/intervention/data Path does not match
492 simulation_translation_statistics /simulation/translation-statistics Path does not match
493 simulation_message_mass /simulation/message-mass Path does not match
494 simulation_generate_message /simulation/generate-message Path does not match
495 simulation_message_choice /simulation/message-choice Path does not match
496 simulation_change_unit_test /simulation/change-unit-test Path does not match
497 simulation_scenario_form /simulation/message-scenario-form Path does not match
498 simulation_message_unit_test_list /simulation/message-unit-test-list Path does not match
499 revert_keywords_deleted /simulation/revert-keyword/{keyword}/{mailAccount} Path does not match
500 simulation_message_test_content /simulation/message-test/content Path does not match
501 simulation_message_unit_edit /simulation/message-test-edit/{message} Path does not match
502 simulation_message_unit_launch_extraction /simulation/message-launch-extraction/{message} Path does not match
503 simulation_get_entity_by_id /simulation/get-entity/{entity}/{id} Path does not match
504 simulation_message_test_delete /simulation/message-test/delete/{message} Path does not match
505 simulation_message_test_multiprestation_default /simulation/message/multiprestation/{message} Path does not match
506 simulation_message_attachment_extract_content /simulation/message-attachment/extract-content/{message} Path does not match
507 simulation_message_web_push /simulation/pwa/web-push Path does not match
508 simulation_pwa_sw /simulation/sw-test Path does not match
509 simulation_dump_message /simulation/dump-message/{message} Path does not match
510 simulation_dump_ma /simulation/dump-ma/{ma} Path does not match
511 simulation_dump_message_elastica /simulation/message-elastica/{messageid} Path does not match
512 simulation_location_identification /simulation/location-identification Path does not match
513 simulation_log_message_list /simulation/log-message-list Path does not match
514 simulation_remove_log_file /simulation/remove-log-file/{fileName} Path does not match
515 simulation_message_limit_date /simulation/message/limit-date/{message} Path does not match
516 simulation_get_scheduled_export /simulation/automatic-export/list-scheduled-export Path does not match
517 simulation_send_mail_statistic_export /simulation/automatic-export/send-mail/{id} Path does not match
518 simulation_sla_message /simulation/sla-message Path does not match
519 simulation_chat_ia /simulation/chat Path does not match
520 simulation_get_ia_response /simulation/chat/response Path does not match
521 simulation_get_ia_conversation /simulation/chat/conversation/{id} Path does not match
522 simulation_edit_conversation_name /simulation/chat/edit-conversation-name/{id} Path does not match
523 simulation_company_in_umbrella /simulation/company-umbrella Path does not match
524 simulation_umbrella_company /simulation/company-umbrella-profile Path does not match
525 simulation_umbrella_get_profile /simulation/company-get-profile/{type} Path does not match
526 simulation_traveler_in_umbrella /simulation/traveler-umbrella Path does not match
527 simulation_read_file_log /simulation/read-file-log/{fileName} Path does not match
528 simulation_symfony_mailer /simulation/ckeditor Path does not match
529 simulation_edit_info_contact /simulation/edit-info-contact/{id} Path does not match
530 notification_test /simulation/notification Path does not match
531 notification_test_send /simulation/notification/send Path does not match
532 simulation_tab /simulation/tab Path does not match
533 simulation_tag_redis /simulation/tag-redis Path does not match
534 reset_tag_redis /simulation/reset-tag-redis Path does not match
535 set_tag_redis /simulation/setting-tag Path does not match
536 scoring_test /simulation/contact-scoring Path does not match
537 search_engine_test /simulation/search-engine Path does not match
538 update_session_new_message /simulation/update-account-counter-session Path does not match
539 view_availabilty_use /simulation/user-mailaccount-planning Path does not match
540 simulation_ajax_call_ajax /simulation/ajax-call/ajax Path does not match
541 simulation_ajax_call_page /simulation/ajax-call Path does not match
542 get_availabilities /simulation/get-availabilities Path does not match
543 user_plannings /simulation/user-mailaccount-plannings Path does not match
544 get_actual_availabilities /simulation/get-actual-availabilities Path does not match
545 simul_commande_msg_handletime /simul-cmd/handletime Path does not match
546 ck_upload /uploader/upload Path does not match
547 ck_openai_request /openai/request Path does not match
548 ck_openai_action_log /openai/action-log Path does not match
549 remove_image /image/remove Path does not match
550 session_update_new_message /session-update/new-message Path does not match
551 session_update_new_message_favicon /session-update/new-message-favicon Path does not match
552 session_update_count_task_incident_project /session-update/all-count/task/incident/project Path does not match
553 remote_content /remote-content/{url} Path does not match
554 help_update_condition /public/help/change Path does not match
555 help_information_index /help/information Path does not match
556 help_information_new /help/information/new Path does not match
557 help_information_edit /help/information/edit/{id} Path does not match
558 help_information_delete /help/information/delete/{id} Path does not match
559 help_information_check /public/help/information/check Path does not match
560 help_update_guide /update-guide Path does not match
561 version_change_log /version-change-log Path does not match
562 myo_change_password_form /change-password-form Path does not match
563 myo_change_password_save /save-change-password Path does not match
564 myo_disable_user_shortcut /user-information/disable Path does not match
565 myo_filter_favorites /filter-module/favorite/ Path does not match
566 myo_access_client_stat /access/task-view/{reportingValue} Path does not match
567 myo_export_client_task /access/task-export/{reportingValue} Path does not match
568 myo_automatic_export_client_task /access/task-automatic-export/{reportingValue} Path does not match
569 myo_automatic_export_config_submit /access/task-automatic-export-submit/{reportingValue} Path does not match
570 pwa_index /pwa/ Path does not match
571 pwa_login /pwa/login Path does not match
572 pwa_offline /pwa/offline Path does not match
573 pwa_msg_sh /pwa/message/show Path does not match
574 pwa_msg_new /pwa/message/new Path does not match
575 pwa_message_attachment_show /pwa/attachment/show/{id}/{download}/{filename} Path does not match
576 pwa_message_attachment_download /pwa/attachment/download/{id}.{filename} Path does not match
577 pwa_message_generate_image_inline /pwa/message/generate-image-inline/{image} Path does not match
578 pwa_agenda_index /pwa/agenda/ Path does not match
579 pwa_project_index /pwa/project/ Path does not match
580 pwa_project_new /pwa/project/new/ Path does not match
581 pwa_project_edit /pwa/project/edit Path does not match
582 pwa_task /pwa/task/ Path does not match
583 pwa_task_new /pwa/task/new/ Path does not match
584 pwa_task_edit /pwa/task/edit/ Path does not match
585 pwa_agenda_new /pwa/agenda/new/ Path does not match
586 pwa_agenda_show /pwa/agenda/show Path does not match
587 pwa_agenda_edit /pwa/agenda/edit Path does not match
588 pwa_service_worker /sw.js Path does not match
589 pwa_simulation_moment /pwa/simulation/moment Path does not match
590 api_refresh_token /api/auth-refresh Path does not match
591 myo_change_local /change/locale/{locale}/{route} Path does not match
592 myo_reference_list_init_modal /reference-list/init-modal/{typeReference} Path does not match
593 myo_reference_edit_item /reference-list/{id}/edit Path does not match
594 myo_reference_delete_item /reference-list/{id}/delete Path does not match
595 manage_account_index /manage-account/ Path does not match
596 monitoring_template /manage-account/monitoring-template Path does not match
597 monitoring_template_for_list_message /manage-account/monitoring-list-message/{show} Path does not match
598 manage_dispatch_message /manage-dispatch-message/ Path does not match
599 manage_dispatch_message_template /manage-dispatch-message/template-account/{account} Path does not match
600 quick_test_dispatch_page /manage-dispatch-message/simulation/ Path does not match
601 quick_test_dispatch /manage-dispatch-message/dispatch-simulation/{sEvent}/{idUser}/{idAccount}/{idMessage} Path does not match
602 save_dispatch_redis /manage-dispatch-message/save-dispatch-redis Path does not match
603 get_template_redis_content /manage-dispatch-message/get-template-redis Path does not match
604 clean_dispatch_redis_content /manage-dispatch-message/clean-dispatch-redis Path does not match
605 run_dispatch_redis /manage-dispatch-message/run-dispatch-redis Path does not match
606 module_manager_index /module-manager/ Path does not match
607 template_content_module /module-manager/load-template/{key} Path does not match
608 pass_to_paid_mode /module-manager/pass-to-paid-mode Path does not match
609 team_user_manager_index /team-user-manager/ Path does not match
610 team_user_manager_edit /team-user-manager/edit/{id} Path does not match
611 team_user_manager_update /team-user-manager/update/{id} Path does not match
612 team_user_manager_global_search /team-user-manager/search Path does not match
613 team_user_manager_new /team-user-manager/new Path does not match
614 team_user_manager_create /team-user-manager/create Path does not match
615 team_user_manager_delete /team-user-manager/delete/{id} Path does not match
616 team_user_manager_filter /team-user-manager/filter Path does not match
617 prompt_list /prompts/list Path does not match
618 prompt_new /prompts/new Path does not match
619 prompt_create /prompts/create Path does not match
620 prompt_edit /prompts/edit/{id} Path does not match
621 prompt_update /prompts/update/{id} Path does not match
622 prompt_delete /prompts/delete/{id} Path does not match
623 prompt_execute /prompts/execute/{id} Path does not match
624 prompt_extraction /prompts/extraction Path does not match
625 prompt_search /prompts/search Path does not match
626 myo_mass_import_form /import/{module} Path does not match
627 myo_mass_import_file /import-file/{module} Path does not match
628 myo_mass_import_model_download /import-model/{module}/{type}/download Path does not match
629 myo_mass_import_result_download /import-result/download/{module}/{filename} Path does not match
630 myo_mass_import_save_data /import-save/{module}/{element} Path does not match
631 myo_agent_mailaccount /agents/mailacount Path does not match
632 parameters /settings Path does not match
633 switch_settings_mode /switch-settings-mode Path does not match
634 set_chat_status /chat/status Path does not match
635 change_avalaibility /avalaibility Path does not match
636 load_cookie_mercure_authorization /load-cookie Path does not match
637 page_generic /page/{target}/{canalSlug} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.